Webful Education


Discipline means the willing submission of a person to rules, regulations and instruction to someone recognized by society. It is willing and polite discharge of one's duty towards others in society. One should be disciplined whether at home, in school, on the playground and on duty etc. An educational institution having no discipline does not impart value based education. Discipline is necessary for both the teacher and taught. A good teacher has a great responsibility of keeping a high image of his personality in the society. He cannot do it unless he maintains an intellectual and more discipline of high order. No student will obey and respect an undisciplined teacher however high may be his knowledge.
Similarly only a serious and a self disciplined student achieve something worth in the life. Indisciplined student just wander here and there, waste away their precious time and energy in useless activities and later on repent in life. Soon learns that there are no shortcut to success and it is only through consistent hard work and self-discipline that they can achieve their objectives in life.
It is hoped that this message will inspire our students to lead themselves all of excellence.
May God shower his blessings on us and our institution. Wishing and working for your success.

Sneh Lata
Green Field Public School Sihunta.
Distt. Chamba (H.P.)